Eu4 emperor of china
Eu4 emperor of china

eu4 emperor of china eu4 emperor of china

The Mandate of Heaven is a strong modifier to ensure stability within the country, it is very important to keep it alive, losing it will mean an increase of +15 National unrest in total and an increase in stability cost. Upon finishing westernization, not only does Ming get the western tech group, but it also loses the Celestial Empire government and Chinese Bureaucracy. There is a way for Ming to reform and remove these crushing inefficiencies, that is to seek contact with Europeans, and westernize the country. It is common for only a fraction of a province's tax and manpower to become available for Ming.

eu4 emperor of china

The Celestial Empire also imposes a minimum 50% local autonomy on all its provinces, further reducing the effectiveness of taxes, manpower, force limit and trading power available to Ming. It is also the cultural union for the Chinese culture group. Chinese Bureaucracy comes with the Mandate of Heaven triggered modifier and a faction system. The Celestial Empire government effect is technology cost -10%, a minimum province autonomy of +50%, and a Chinese Bureaucracy system. Ming has a unique government form called the Celestial Empire, reflecting the Chinese belief that a well-governed empire was evidence of divine sanction and blessing, whereas a poorly governed or tyrannical one was evidence that the Emperor could be deposed.

Eu4 emperor of china